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Information for Advisors

Education abroad at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is a collaborative effort between Illinois Abroad and Global Exchange (IAGE, the campus study abroad office) and the college-based study abroad offices.


Students who need assistance in the study abroad process are encouraged to make an advising appointment with study abroad advisor. Students are also encouraged to attend a First Steps Workshop to learn the basics about the study abroad process. Upcoming workshops can be found on the website Calendar.

Advising Tips

Academic Advisors and staff can also review these Study Abroad Advising Tips for guidance on how to discuss study abroad with your student.

Application Process

Students apply to study abroad programs through an online platform called My Study Abroad. Students may only apply to one program per term abroad, although we ask them to identify alternate program choices within their application in the event they are not accepted to their first-choice program. To learn more about the process, visit the Outgoing Application Process page.

Completing a Recommendation

If a student asks you to complete a recommendation for their study abroad application, they will input your email address into My Study Abroad, and you will receive an email with instructions to fill out an electronic form with questions regarding the student’s readiness to study abroad. Your responses are carefully reviewed and considered for all applications, and even more so for applications to selective programs. Please provide detailed responses that provide specific examples of your previous interactions with the student.

Quick Links


Fill out the short form below if you are interested in having Illinois Abroad and Global Exchange (IAGE), the campus study abroad office, do a study abroad presentation to your unit, department, or class. IAGE can work with you to tailor the presentation to your audience. Please provide as much notice time as possible for the request (preferably several weeks). For college-specific presentations, please contact your college study abroad office.

Request a Presentation