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College of Applied Health Sciences

Important information:
• Completion of the Course Approval Summary Form is required before departure.
• All courses taken abroad must be approved.
• Submit the Course Approval Summary Form to: AHS ARO, 211S Huff Hall.

This webpage is for students enrolled in the College of AHS that are studying abroad on a pre-approved program. To be considered a full-time Illinois student and qualify for financial aid, you must be enrolled in the minimum full-time academic load as defined by your host institution and complete 12 or more Illinois credit hours abroad.

Course Approval Instructions

Fill out the information on the top portion of the Course Approval Summary Form. It is your responsibility to neatly and accurately print this information (it is not the responsibility of Illinois Abroad & Global Exchange or your academic advisor.) Complete columns #1 and #2 before meeting with your advisor.

Instructions for Study Abroad Course (299) Advisors

Instructions for Academic Advisors

Return the completed form to the student for final processing or send directly to AHS ARO.