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College of Applied Health Sciences
Important information:
• Completion of the Course Approval Summary Form is required before departure.
• All courses taken abroad must be approved.
• Submit the Course Approval Summary Form to: AHS ARO, 211S Huff Hall.
This webpage is for students enrolled in the College of AHS that are studying abroad on a pre-approved program. To be considered a full-time Illinois student and qualify for financial aid, you must be enrolled in the minimum full-time academic load as defined by your host institution and complete 12 or more Illinois credit hours abroad.
Course Approval Instructions
Fill out the information on the top portion of the Course Approval Summary Form. It is your responsibility to neatly and accurately print this information (it is not the responsibility of Illinois Abroad & Global Exchange or your academic advisor.) Complete columns #1 and #2 before meeting with your advisor.
Column #1
Subject/Number & Title of Course Abroad
List the titles of the courses offered at your host institution abroad. You may find information on course offerings for your particular term(s) abroad on the host institution’s website, within My Study Abroad, a course catalogue or a combination of these resources.
It is important to list the courses in the exact wording used by the host institution and list the subject and number of the course abroad (e.g. AUST 2022 Australian Studies).
Courses in the Course Approval Database? Y/N
Check the Course Approval Database to see if your courses have received prior approval.
- If the course has already been approved, print it out, mark “Y” in Column #2, and attach the printout to the Course Approval Summary Form.
- If the course is not in the Course Approval Database, or you wish to seek approval in a subject area other than what is already approved, mark “N” in Column #2 and seek approval from the Study Abroad Course (299) Advisor in the corresponding subject area. In most instances, the Study Abroad Course (299) Advisor is not the same person as your academic advisor.
Column #3
Grade or CR/NC
Students will take courses abroad for grade and elective credit unless a course approval summary form is submitted by October 15 prior to a spring term abroad or by March 15 prior to a summer or fall term abroad. Courses completed using credit/no-credit grading will not apply to general education, major, or minor requirements. For questions about this policy, or to request credit/no-credit grading after these deadlines, please contact the assistant dean at ahs-acaffrs@illinois.edu.
Academic Advisor Signature
Students should bring the Course Approval Summary Form to a face-to-face meeting with your academic advisor. If the course has already been approved, you must print and bring a copy of the Course Approval Database approval with you to your meeting with your academic advisor. Your advisor will complete and sign the form in this meeting.
Student Signature
Please be sure to sign the completed form during your meeting with your academic advisor.
College Approval
Once you have met with your academic advisor, you need to bring the completed form (with the Course Approval Database approvals) to the AHS Records Officer in room 211S Huff Hall for the college approval signature. The college will retain a copy of the Course Approval Summary Form.
Instructions for Study Abroad Course (299) Advisors
Column #3
Grade or CR/NC
Students will take courses abroad for grade and elective credit unless a course approval summary form is submitted by October 15 prior to a spring term abroad or by March 15 prior to a summer or fall term abroad. Courses completed using credit/no-credit grading will not apply to general education, major, or minor requirements. For questions about this policy, or to request credit/no-credit grading after these deadlines, please contact the assistant dean at ahs-acaffrs@illinois.edu.
Column #4
Illinois Subject & Number/Level
- For those courses found in the Course Approval Database, write in the course information as indicated on the database printout.
- For those courses not found in the Course Approval Database, or for courses for which the student wishes to seek approval in a new subject area, the Study Abroad Course (299) Advisor in the corresponding subject area will fill out Column #4 based on information provided by the student. If you are the Study Abroad Course (299) Advisor for the subject area in question, enter the Illinois Subject and Number or Level. If this course has a direct Illinois equivalency, enter the Illinois Subject and Number (e.g., SPAN 210). If this course is acceptable as college-level transfer work in your department, enter Illinois Subject and Level (e.g., SPAN 2--).
Column #5
Approval - completed by the Study Abroad Course (299) Advisor
If you approve the course, please enter “Y” in the box.
Column #6
If you do not approve the course, please enter “N” in the box. The Office of the Registrar will process credit recommendation for non-approved courses taken abroad by identifying these courses as non-transferable course work. The nontransferable course work will not show on the student’s Illinois transcript.
Column #7
Approver's Signature & Printed Name
Please print and sign your name. If you need to include a more detailed explanation use the “Comments” area on the front or back of the form.
Column #8
Add to Course Approval Database? Y/N
If you approve this course to be added to the Course Approval Database, please enter “Y” in the box. Enter “N” if you do not recommend the course to be added. You can approve courses for individual students but opt not to add the course to the Course Approval Database if you would prefer to review the course on a case-by-case basis.
To be used by the Study Abroad Course (299) Advisor or Academic Advisor.
Instructions for Academic Advisors
Column #9
Use of Credit
Please indicate what this course will be considered for upon the student’s return by using the following guide:
- E: Elective Credit
- GE: General Education
- MJ: Major
- MI: Minor
- CR: Correlate
- CN: Concentration
To be used by the Study Abroad Course (299) Advisor or Academic Advisor.
Academic Advisor Signature
Please print and sign your name at the bottom of the form before returning it to the student.
Student Signature
This form will not be considered complete without your (the student’s) signature.
Return the completed form to the student for final processing or send directly to AHS ARO.