Grainger College of Engineering
Important information:
• Completion of the Course Approval Summary Form is required before departure.
• Grading options do not need to be decided by mid-term.
• All courses taken abroad must be approved.
• Submit the Course Approval Summary Form to: 3300 DCL.
To your Course Approval Summary Form, scan and email your completed form to
General Education Course Approval Instructions
Course Approval Instructions
Important Note: This webpage is for students enrolled in the College of Engineering that are studying abroad on a pre-approved program. You must follow the instructions that correspond to the college to which you belong during your study abroad term(s).
Please keep in mind that students studying abroad shall be considered full-time at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign when they are registered for at least the minimum full-time academic load as defined by the international institution, but equivalent to 12 Illinois hours. However, students receiving financial aid must be sure to bring back the minimum number of required hours related to their particular financial aid, for example 15 Illinois hours for MAP Grant Students.
Fill out the information that is requested on the top portion of the Course Approval Summary Form. It is your responsibility, as the student, to neatly and accurately print this information (it is not the responsibility of Illinois Abroad & Global Exchange or your academic advisor).
Instructions for Columns
Follow instructions in the order below. Columns requiring information from you should be completed prior to meeting with advisor.
Bottom of Form
- Comment section: use of this section is to be determined by the Approved Study Abroad Course (299) Advisor (also see instructions for Column #7).
- Academic Advisor signature: Approved Dept. Study Abroad Advisor for your department (refer to list below). You must have both the printed name and the signature of the advisor, in addition to each individual course approval signature in column 7.
- Student signature: this form will not be considered complete without your (the student’s) signature.
- College approval: this signature must be from the IPENG Office designee in Room 3300 Digital Computing Lab (DCL).
Final Instructions
After signing your Course Approval Summary Form, you must return your signed Course Approval Summary Form (with attachments) to the IPENG Office, 3300 Digital Computing Lab (DCL). No forms will be accepted if not signed by the Approved Dept. Study Abroad Advisor of your department.
You must obtain approvals for all courses taken abroad. If the courses that were pre-approved do not match the courses actually taken abroad, you must obtain approval for all additional courses upon your return.